Mae doniau Duw i gyd fel môr

(Rhyfeddodau Person Crist)
Mae doniau Duw i gyd fel môr
  Dygyfor, uwch eu rhifo;
Gynt oll ynghudd, ond y pryd hyn
  Yn Iesu yn dysgleirio.

Yr Hên Ddihenydd yn ddyn gwan
  Mewn preseb, dan ei rwymau;
Y Gair tragwyddol ar lîn Mair
  Heb fedru gair
      o'i enau!

'Dyw gwaith y dae'r
    a'r nefoedd frŷ
  Er bod hwy'n ddirifedi,
I'r peth yn Mherson Iesu sy,
  Un gronyn i gymharu.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: MS 8787]

gwelir: Fe roddwyd Mab yn rhad i ni

(The Wonders of the Person of Christ)
The gifts of God are all like a sea
  Overflowing, above their number;
Formerly all hidden, but at this time
  In Jesus shining.

The The Ancient of Days as a weak human
  In a manger, under his wrappings;
The eternal Word on Mary's knee
  Without the ability of a word
      from his mouth!

The work of the earth
    and the heavens above,
  Although they are innumerable,
To what is in the Person of Jesus,
  Are not one grain in comparison.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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